beautiful, broken, brave: adoption.

Today I met with an expectant Mama carrying the weight of the adoption story she is about to gift to her son. We rocked in these chairs and listened to Willie Nelson over Cracker Barrel speakers as we tearfully dove into the grief that comes with adoption.
She is young. She is scared. But she knows that without fear there is never the opportunity to be brave. And she knows that without love no one would ever place their baby for adoption.
We talked about throwing our grief and our pain at the foot of the cross. We talked about looking up into the face of Jesus, seeing his suffering and remembering that in our grief we can have hope because He understands. And He holds us. He chose suffering out of love for us, His children. This girl is doing the same. She is choosing to place her baby out of a deep love for her little one. She kept repeating “I know it’s right, but why does the right thing have to be the hardest thing”. This is so often true. The hard thing is usually the right thing.
Oh, how I pray that her soul will grow through her loss. That her brokenness will turn into beauty. That the Lord will guide her to choose a family that will love her fiercely. I pray that her story will one day change the world.
Do you have questions about the specifics of making an adoption plan? Reach out to us today and speak one-on-one to a Pregnancy Counselor. You do not have to be ready to make an adoption plan in order to learn about the specifics of the adoption option. Our services to you are free and confidential. This is your child and your choice. We are here to help.
Connect with us, call or text 24/7 at 1(800)875-5595 or submit a request for a Pregnancy Counselor to reach out to you today: