Do You Know a Woman Who is Facing an Unplanned Pregnancy?

If you know a woman who is facing an unplanned pregnancy, she may want to talk with you about her options. Know that it is not your responsibility to convince her to choose one option over another; it is just your responsibility to love her by sharing truthful information about each of her three options:
Parenting is a life-giving, honorable, and viable option for many women facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Parenting is life-changing and requires lifelong dedication and commitment. When exploring the option of parenting, she needs to consider if she can meet the ongoing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of her child.
With the right support, parenting may be a great option. If she chooses to parent or wants to consider it further, Lifeline can connect her to resources that can help!
It shows strength for a woman to assess her current resources and acknowledge that parenting may not be the best option.
Many women feel as though abortion is the only way to prevent their child and themselves from suffering under the weight of current circumstances.
Women who consider abortion often feel that it would be unloving to bring a child into their circumstances. Our hope is that women will come to know that they are made in the image of God and have infinite value, as does their baby. Women are not left with only two options: abortion and parenting. Rather, there is another option that can offer hope for the mother and the child- the life-giving, loving alternative of adoption.
The adoption journey is one that holds great hope because it is a plan that gives life- life for the mother who is able to continue to strive towards her goals, and life for the child who is treasured by their adoptive parents.
The birthmother is in the driver’s seat and can decide what her adoption plan will look like. Many women desire to have an ongoing relationship with their child through pictures, letters, and even visits after placement.
Read the stories of women who have made a brave choice to do what is best for their child and for themselves.
At Lifeline, our heart is to come alongside women facing an unplanned pregnancy, supporting them and empower them to make an informed decision. For more information about how we can help, call or text us 24/7 at 1(800)875-5595 or submit a request for a Pregnancy Counselor to reach out to you today!