Is Adoption An Option For My Baby If I’m An Addict?

What do I do if I am pregnant but struggling with an addiction? Can I still make an adoption plan for my baby? Do I have to stop using? Will anyone want my baby?
If you’re pregnant and struggling with addiction, you have options! Below are a few things that are important to know as you move forward:
- Reach out.
Ask for help. Reach out to someone you trust. Call Lifeline and we will direct you to a pregnancy counselor near you who can help you process through your questions. You don’t have to be alone. There are people who are here and ready to step in and help, even if you are still uncertain about what the next steps may be.
- Be honest.
Every woman we work with has a different situation, story, and background. We are a safe place for you to be open and honest about your pregnancy and struggles, including what drugs or substances you’ve used during pregnancy. If you are considering placing your baby for adoption, it’s important that you be honest about your use so that we can find the perfect family for your baby! There are many families looking to adopt that come to Lifeline because they want to care for you, the expectant mother, as well. They know that no one is perfect and we all have struggles!
- We care about you.
The earlier we meet you, the more time we will have to walk alongside you in this process. We can help you sign up for health insurance, find prenatal care, and connect you with resources to help you with your addiction. Although we are an experienced and trusted adoption agency, we want to help you with your other needs even as we help with your adoption plan for your baby.
- We care about your child.
Your child is precious, loved, and wanted. Lifeline specifically trains their adoptive parents in how to care for children who have been exposed to drugs in utero, and many of these families would be excited and honored to adopt your baby. As the mother, you get to be the person to look through profile books of each family and pick the one that you decide would be best for your child, if you desire. Even if this is a last minute adoption plan, we will make sure you have the time you need to choose from the couples looking to adopt who are trained and educated on drug exposure.
We are not here to judge. We understand that you are in a hard situation and are doing your best to make the best decision for your child. Speaking with us does not commit you to anything! Whether you know you want to place your baby for adoption, you’ve just found out you’re in an unplanned pregnancy and need help, or want to learn more about things like open adoption, we are happy to speak with you!