Lifeline Birthmom Community: We Saved you a Seat

We have all been there- walking through the cafeteria with a tray in our hands, head on a swivel, looking for a group of people to sit with. The span of 30 seconds can feel like a lifetime when the fear of sitting alone during lunch is growing with every step. Who knew that such a short walk could feel like a 10-mile march in the middle of summer- is it getting hot in here? Then, you hear it- a voice from a few tables away yells your name, followed by words that instantly rush in to calm you, free you, and save you all at the same time: “we saved you a seat!”
No matter how young or old you are, there’s nothing like the feeling of pulling up a chair to a table full of people who know you, know your story, and have walked the path you’re traveling. People who are committed to loving you and supporting you, praying with you and pointing you to Christ, and doing the hard work of grieving and healing with you. However, as a birthmother who has placed her child for adoption, this kind of community can sometimes be hard to find, much less create.
That’s why the Lifeline pregnancy counseling team is so excited to launch an online community created specifically for birthmoms, a group dedicated to women who have had the unique experience of placing their children for adoption. This sacred space will allow room for brokenness, encouragement, grieving, praising, and understanding among women who are familiar with the journey of being a birthmother. This Facebook group is private and each new member will be added with our community in mind. Other users on Facebook will not be able to see who is in the group and the posts will be monitored by the group admin. Our desire is for this community to be a safe place to share and communicate.
Through discussion, articles, the sharing of birthmom stories, and the sharing of Scripture that speaks the truth of God’s Word into members’ lives, this group will exist to provide community in a space that has craved it for so long. So, birthmom; will you join us?
We saved you a seat.
If you would like more information on the Lifeline Birthmom Community or if you are considering adoption for you and your child, Lifeline is here to help. Reach out to one of our Pregnancy Counselors to talk through questions, concerns, and desires. Our Pregnancy Counselors are here for you and ready to answer all of your questions in order to walk this journey with you.
Connect with us via, call 24/7 at 1(800)875-5595 or submit a request for a Pregnancy Counselor to reach out to you today: