What will my child think of my adoption plan?

Many women wonder if their child will be angry with them later in life if they choose to make an adoption Plan. This is a common fear and question that many women have.
Showing your love through an open adoption plan
The reality is, your child likely will have some questions. However, when you have an open adoption, you can answer those questions. Open adoption means that you can have a continued relationship with your child throughout their life. Through this relationship you can explain why adoption was the right decision for your child. You can communicate your love and deep affection for your child. You can continue to see your child grow and enjoy life.
Adoption, a loving decision
The adoptive parents that you choose to raise your baby will tell him or her how much you loved them. Lifeline provides training to the adoptive parents to treat you with respect and honor in their home. Adoption is a brave choice that is done out of love and this is the message the child will hear throughout his or her life. As your baby grows up in the adoptive home,
Where to Start
If you have any questions about adoption or want to talk about your options, please reach out to one of our pregnancy counselors who would love to walk through that process with you. Reach out through our 24/7 FREE, HOTLINE by live chat, text, or phone at 1-800-875-5595. Or you can submit a request for one of our Pregnancy Counselors to reach out to you.