Who needs to know About my Adoption Plan?

If you are considering adoption, you may be thinking “who needs to know about my adoption?” When planning for the future of your baby, there are many pregnancy options to consider. If you are considering adoption, and there are many important things to decide. Like who you want to parent your child and how often you want to hear from them. You may want support from a trusted friend or family member. But how do you decide who to tell “I’m placing my baby for adoption”?
Who can I tell about my adoption plan?
If you have a supportive family, consider telling your family before it’s time to head to the hospital. Their support during your pregnancy and all the pregnancy choices can mean so much. If they are informed about your plan, they can be a great encouragement and also help you grieve. You may not feel that a family member would be the right person to trust with this information. Maybe a trusted friend would be a better choice! Your pregnancy counselor can help you think through what type of support you desire, and talk about ways to share this news with whomever you choose. The answer to “who needs to know about my adoption” is completely up to you!
What do I look for in an adoption agency near me?
Once you have this support, it’s important to choose an adoption agency near you that will be your advocate and work on your behalf. At Lifeline, you have a personal pregnancy counselor that works with you through your entire pregnancy. You are in charge of your pregnancy decisions. But your pregnancy counselor understands each of them and is open to talking about them with you. Your pregnancy counselor will keep things confidential, educate you about adoption, discuss all of your options within adoption, and show you profiles of families that match your desires for your child. A meeting can be arranged with the family you choose, if you’d like. It’s important to find an adoption agency that focuses on YOU. At Lifeline, we are proud that we began as a resource for women in unexpected pregnancies and we remain committed to women in unexpected pregnancies today.
What about the child’s father? How do I tell him about the pregnancy or my desire to place?
It can certainly be difficult to know how to have this conversation. You may want to talk with your pregnancy counselor about how to best talk about this with him. If you do not want to tell him or are unsure of the father, they can talk you through next steps. If the baby’s father has questions about adoption, your pregnancy counselor can talk with both of you and explain the process and what to expect.
How do I tell my doctor or the hospital that I’ve planned an adoption for my baby?
It does not have to be scary to tell your doctor or the hospital that you have an adoption plan! Each hospital has a social worker on staff who can work directly with your pregnancy counselor to make you feel cared for and prepared for hospital time. Your pregnancy counselor will share your desires and help to prevent any confusion. Your pregnancy counselor can inform the hospital for you, and talk you through what to expect when you prepare for delivery.
So if you’re asking “who needs to know about my adoption”? Contact one of our pregnancy counselors through one of the options below. Our on call pregnancy counselors are available 24/7 to help you.