What I Wish I Knew Before Choosing Abortion

Tina’s story begins when she was twenty years old in a new city, with a new boyfriend, and an unborn baby in her womb. Similar to many women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy, Tina was afraid of what this new responsibility meant for her life.
“At the time, I was scared and wanted it to be over,” she admitted.
In an interview, Tina walked us through her story in choosing abortion and shared what she wished she would have known before making that decision.
Not long after moving from southern Virginia to upstate New York, Tina began dating a guy she thought was the man of her dreams. He invited her to church and it was here she accepted Christ as her Savior. They started serving as leaders in the youth ministry and were faithful in attending church on Sundays. Although the Lord redeemed Tina, she, like us all, still struggled with her fleshly desires. In public, their life looked like the model Christian relationship. In private, she and her boyfriend were sleeping together, something they knew God had not designed until they were married. “There were a few times we tried to stop and couldn’t,” she confessed.
They continued living two lives until one day Tina noticed she missed her period. “I remember being really scared and thinking, I’m probably just late.” The positive band on the pregnancy test was confirmation that she wasn’t late at all but carrying a baby.
“After I did the pregnancy test, I was so scared…For me to be pregnant would be so embarrassing. It would be more than I wanted to bear.” She broke the news to her boyfriend, and they decided to have an abortion.
For fear of being recognized, Tina and her boyfriend drove to an abortion clinic an hour outside the city. She sat in the waiting room until the doctor called her back. When it was her turn, the doctor looked at her and asked, “Do you really want to go through with this?” She agreed, and he performed the procedure. “What I would give to go back to that moment and say no and walk out of that office,” Tina grieved.
Thirteen years later, through grace and mercy, Tina saw God’s redemptive power heal her heart from the wound of abortion.
“Looking back, I wish I was brave enough to reach out to talk to someone to find out what my options were, and that abortion was not the only option. At the time, I was scared and wanted it to be over.”
God walked her through lingering fears of loss and an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame that influenced her present relationships with her husband and children. Through counseling, Tina was able to confront the pain she suppressed and find healing and redemption.
We asked Tina: What do you want to say to the girl considering her options?
First of all, I want to tell you how sorry I am that found yourself in this position. I know it’s frightening, I know it’s scary and I know you don’t know what to do. But I also want to thank you for your bravery to talk about it and find out what your options are. I wish I had done that.
Tina encourages women who find themselves in her situation to not be afraid and to reach out and talk with a pregnancy counselor. “They are loving; they’re accepting, and they’re not judgmental,” she assured.
Here at Lifeline, we are dedicated to helping you walk through what may be the toughest circumstance you’ve ever faced. Our pregnancy counselors are here to listen to your concerns and will help guide you through all your options. The truth is that you have more than one option, and you are not alone. If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy or if you think you are pregnant, reach out to one of our pregnancy counselors.
They will be there to listen to you and support you in love. Connect with us, call or text 24/7 at 1(800)875-5595 or submit a request for a Pregnancy Counselor to reach out to you today: