Tell Me About Adoption
Finding out you are pregnant, when you didn’t plan to be, can be scary and overwhelming. Are you in an unplanned pregnancy and not sure what to do, thinking about adoption plan for your baby? You might be thinking “I am pregnant, but don’t want a baby right now” or maybe even “I’m pregnant, help!” The good news is, you have options in your pregnancy and you are not alone. If you don’t feel ready to raise a child and are looking for options other than abortion, adoption might be a good plan for you.
5 things you should know about making an adoption plan
- It is your decision and your plan. You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to choosing a family for your child, deciding how open you want the adoption to be, and creating a plan for your hospital time that is specific to you and your desires.
- It’s never too late to make an adoption plan! Whether you are only 6 weeks pregnant, just delivered a baby at the hospital, or are home with your baby, you can still make a plan. We are here to help you at any point in your pregnancy journey.
- You will have an advocate, your pregnancy counselor, in your pregnancy and adoption plan. Your pregnancy counselor will be there to walk you through every step of your plan and will be there as a support for you emotionally, both before and after placing your child for adoption.
- You might be thinking, “Will my baby be safe after getting adopted?” All of our adoptive families go through a detailed and extensive application and interview process. Every family completes background checks and social workers interview the adoptive families face to face. Adoptive families attend educational classes about adoption and how to care for their child’s birthparents.
- Lastly, making an adoption plan doesn’t make you a bad mom. You are not a failure for considering adoption – you are showing love and providing for your child by considering their best interest. Adoption is a loving plan!
What’s Next?
When you find out you’re experiencing unplanned pregnant, choices are important, as is having support through your process! If you would like to meet with a Pregnancy Counselor, reach out through our 24/7 FREE, HOTLINE by live chat, text, or phone at 1-800-875-5595. Or you can submit a request for one of our Pregnancy Counselors to reach out to you.